Elevator Pitch: what is it and how to perfect it?

In the dynamic world of business, making a memorable impression in a short amount of time can be the key to success. This is where the elevator pitch concept comes into play. In this article, ENEB will tell you what an elevator pitch is, its relevance in the professional arena and offer practical tips for perfecting this essential skill.

What is an Elevator Pitch?

An elevator pitch is a short, persuasive speech used to spark interest in what your company, product or idea has to offer. The term comes from the idea of meeting someone important in an elevator and having only the time of that short trip to present your idea in a compelling way.

Key Elements of an Effective Elevator Pitch

In this section, we will break down the essential components that make an elevator pitch impactful and memorable.

Clarity and Conciseness

A good elevator pitch is clear and direct. You should be able to explain your value proposition simply and in less than a minute.

Persuasion and Passion

Convey your enthusiasm and passion. A compelling pitch is one that demonstrates your commitment and belief in what you are offering.

Objective and Call to Action

Clearly define what you are looking for: a meeting, an investment, a partnership. Finish with a call to action that invites your prospect to take the next step.

Tips for Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch

Here we will offer practical tips to improve your ability to create and deliver a successful elevator pitch:

  • Personalization and Tailoring: Tailor your pitch to your audience. Personalizing your message based on who you are talking to can make a big difference.
  • Practice and Feedback: Practice your pitch repeatedly. Seek feedback from colleagues or mentors to refine your approach.
  • Stories and examples: Use stories or examples that illustrate your point. This makes your pitch more engaging and memorable.
  • Prepare for questions: Be prepared to answer questions. A good pitch often leads to a deeper dialogue.

ENEB’s Specialization Diploma in Innovation and Project Management

At ENEB, we understand the importance of effective communication in the business world. Therefore, all our programs have the necessary tools for our students to develop their communication skills and be able to develop an elevator pitch that not only presents their idea, but also opens doors to new opportunities. A successful entrepreneur not only needs a great idea, but also the ability to communicate it effectively.

That is why, upon completion of an ENEB program, graduates, in addition to their Master’s degree and the Business English Program Certificate, obtain a Diploma of Specialization in Innovation and Project Management, because during their training at the school they learn to function in any environment and to present their ideas in the best possible way.

Learning to provide comprehensive guidance on how to create and present an effective elevator pitch is key in the business world to make a memorable impression in a short time. ENEB encourages and teaches all the techniques for effective business communication and prepares its students to successfully meet these challenges.

Key skills for the modern entrepreneur

The business world is constantly evolving, and modern entrepreneurs face unique challenges that require specific skills to succeed in a competitive and dynamic environment. In this article, we will explore the key skills that are fundamental to the contemporary entrepreneur. From adaptability to emotional intelligence, these skills not only drive business growth, but also foster innovation and resilience.

Adaptive Skills in a Changing Environment

The ability to adapt to changing environments is essential for any modern entrepreneur. In a rapidly evolving business world, those who can adjust their strategies according to market demands have a significant advantage. This ability involves being proactive in identifying emerging trends, understanding current technology and being willing to adjust course when necessary.

Technological Intelligence

In the digital age, technology intelligence is crucial. Entrepreneurs need to be aware of the latest technology trends affecting their industry and how these can influence their business models. From the effective use of data analytics tools to the implementation of artificial intelligence, technology intelligence enables entrepreneurs to seize opportunities and stay competitive.

Strategic Flexibility

Strategic flexibility involves the ability to adjust plans and strategies according to changing circumstances. Successful entrepreneurs do not stick rigidly to an original plan, but are willing to pivot when necessary. This ability involves not only adapting to new opportunities, but also learning from failures and readjusting strategy accordingly.

Communication and Networking Skills

Corporate Management Strategy Solution Branding Concept

Communication and Networking SkillsEffective communication and building strong networks are essential skills for any modern entrepreneur. The ability to clearly convey ideas, persuade investors and collaborators, and build strong relationships with customers and partners are key elements for business success.

Persuasive Communication

Persuasive communication involves the ability to present ideas in a compelling manner. Whether seeking investors, selling products or collaborating with other entrepreneurs, the ability to communicate persuasively is essential. This includes not only verbal skills, but also the ability to create effective presentations and use visual media in an impactful way.

Network Construction

Building strong networks is critical to entrepreneurial growth. Successful entrepreneurs cultivate relationships with other industry professionals, mentors and potential collaborators. Building a strong network not only provides business opportunities, but also an invaluable support system.

Emotional Intelligence and Stress Management

Emotional intelligence is increasingly recognized as a key skill in the business world. Modern entrepreneurs must be able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of others, to make informed decisions and build strong relationships.

Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation

Self-awareness involves understanding one’s emotions and how they affect decisions and actions. Self-regulation, on the other hand, involves the ability to control and direct those emotions in a positive way. Emotionally intelligent entrepreneurs can overcome challenges calmly and make informed decisions in high-pressure situations.

Empathy and Social Skills

Empathy is essential to building strong relationships with employees, customers and business partners. The ability to understand and respond to the needs and concerns of others contributes to a positive business environment. Strong social skills facilitate building efficient teams and lasting relationships.

Creative Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

The modern business environment is full of complex challenges that require innovative solutions. Entrepreneurs must be able to approach problems with creativity and critical thinking to find effective solutions.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking involves analyzing information objectively and reaching informed conclusions. Entrepreneurs must be able to evaluate situations from different perspectives and make decisions based on data and evidence.

Creative Problem Solving

Creative problem solving involves finding innovative solutions to business challenges. Successful entrepreneurs see problems as opportunities for innovation and are willing to experiment with new ideas to find effective solutions.

The best cities in the world to study an MBA

Currently, the MBA is the program of higher education with greater recognition and international prestige, focused on professionals who want to develop in the field of business management.

The best-rated country to study an MBA is the United States, and the cities most chosen by international students are Boston, New York and Chicago. Next comes the United Kingdom, Spain and Canada, according to a report from the MBA City Monitor published last September by ESADE Business School.

Another critical factor is the location of the business school; This is the third most important criterion when deciding on an MBA or another, ahead of others such as the positioning of the school itself in the rankings.

Undoubtedly, Spain can boast of a great attraction for international students, being the third country in the world with the most host of international students to do a master’s degree in business management.

Below are the ten leading localities, according to an ESADE study, for which the number of international students in 126 full-time MBAs included in the Financial Times ranking has been taken into account.


It is the world reference for MBAs, with essential business schools such as Harvard. Of the almost 4,000 students of this type in the city, more than 1,800 are international.

New York

The city of skyscrapers attracts more than 1,000 international students each year only in the schools present in the Financial Times ranking.


It is the first European city, with just over 1,000 students attracted to study an MBA.


The US city has more than 2,500 MBA students, of whom more than 900 come from outside the country.


The city counts with more than 800 international students who access MBA full-time programs.


The French capital attracts 900 international students each year to pursue an MBA.


The Canadian capital is the destination of more than 800 MBA per year.

Raleigh- Durham

Almost 700 international students choose this town of North Carolina.


The first Asian city on the list attracts more than 600 students annually.

San Francisco- San Jose

This area closes the top ten worldwide of the best cities to pursue an MBA, with more than 600 international students.

It is clear that venturing abroad to pursue a graduate degree goes far beyond a simple trip. Moreover, is that, before telling us about the option to leave our country, we must assess all the factors of our surroundings and the state of destination to study the master we are looking for.

A digital alternative does not have to be less than a face-to-face, it is a very well-valued option currently, as long as a prestigious institution backs it.

Over 65,000 students enrolled in this academic year

Throughout this academic year, more than 65,000 students have been enrolled in ENEB, spread across more than 40 countries, including Spain, Germany, Italy, England, China, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia and the United States.

The triple degree offered by the School in all its Master’s programs, as well as its international nature, place ENEB as a reference in online training for company managers and experts in the business field.

To satisfy the academic concerns of all students, the European Business School of Barcelona has decided to once again expand its educational offer with the Master’s Degree in Business and Corporate Communication and the Postgraduate Program in Management, Emotional Intelligence and Coaching.

Besides, when taking any master’s and postgraduate course of ENEB the school has an agreement with large companies in which students can complete internships with the ultimate goal of entering the world of work and be able to choose different professional vacancies.

ENEB obtains the Cum Laude quality seal

ENEB, together with EAE and IMF Business School, has obtained the Cum Laude quality seal awarded by Emagister, the leading training portal. This recognition is the result of academic excellence and recommendations from our students who have completed a Master’s or Postgraduate Program in ENEB and who have decided to recommend our Business School, recognising its prestige and credibility as a business school.

For ENEB, this stamp will give you more visibility on the search results page within Emagister as it will appear in the top positions. Besides, we have received a trophy and a diploma to proudly show the effort and work that comes with this seal.

Emagister grants these quality seals within its web portal and which are displayed when looking for information about the School and its educational programs. In order to obtain the seal, the institution needs to receive more than 50 student ratings with an average grade of at least 3.5 out of a maximum of 5. Also, the School must keep its list of courses permanently updated, ensuring it is at the forefront of the training offered.

Doctoral thesis of our collaborator Joaquim Marquès

The fall of the diffusion in the newspapers of payment in Spain. What have been the leading causes?

Through an exhaustive 11 years study (2000-2010), the causes of the fall of the paid press have been analysed. In this study, it has been tried to quantify to what extent each of these causes influences the crisis of the printed newspapers: the expansion of the digital media, the irruption of free papers, the bet (or not) for parallel distribution channels such as subscription, the incidence of the evolution of traditional outlets, the price of the product, a possible change in social habits and the beginning of the economic crisis.

The aim is to determine in what way and in what proportion these phenomena exert influences on the decrease in the dissemination of the daily press has been made through the detailed analysis of the six most critical general newspapers in Spain based on its dissemination: El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia, El Periódico de Catalunya and La Razón.

The study, converted into a doctoral thesis, shows how the Spanish population increased by almost six million people in the period under investigation, of which 1.7 million were Spanish-speaking immigrants, which facilitated the possibility of consuming newspapers in Spanish.

Besides, in those eleven years, the real per capita income grew by 13.6%, so that the hypothesis that the decline in the sale of newspapers is the result of an impoverishment of the population can be refuted.

The study also notes that younger generations combine paper and digital support, without there being a radical substitution of one for another. On the other hand, an essential part of the population is still not an Internet user, about 23 million people living in Spain, in 2010, were not used to its use.

Regarding advertising, the pre-eminence it has had in the revenue items of the media is foreseeable that it will not occur again due to the increasing segmentation of audiences and because companies have been allocating proportionally fewer amounts to this industry each year.

The part destined to newspapers in 2000 supposed, practically, 30% of all the investment intended to conventional means, whereas in 2010 this percentage had fallen 9.5 points. In absolute terms, the loss was more than 545 million euros billed in the study period.