Smart Cities: How technology is transforming cities

In the age of digitalization, the concept of “Smart Cities” is rapidly gaining ground. Smart cities use technology and innovation to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants, optimize resources and promote sustainable development. This article explores how technology is transforming cities and what innovations are driving this change.

What are smart cities?

Smart cities integrate technology into their infrastructure and services to improve efficiency and quality of life. They use data and information technology to manage resources more effectively, reduce environmental impact and improve the lives of citizens.

Technological Innovations in smart cities

Technology is at the heart of smart cities. Several innovations are transforming how cities operate and serve their inhabitants.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects devices and systems to collect and analyze data in real time. IoT sensors monitor traffic, air quality, energy consumption and other crucial factors. For example, traffic sensors manage vehicle congestion, while air quality sensors warn about dangerous levels of pollution.

Big Data and Analytics

Big Data enables cities to analyze patterns and trends to make informed decisions. This analysis improves urban planning, resource management and public service delivery. For example, analyzing energy consumption data develops strategies to improve efficiency.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) processes large amounts of data and provides recommendations to improve operational efficiency and the quality of urban services. AI optimizes public transportation systems and improves public safety by analyzing surveillance camera data.

Practical applications of technology in Smart Cities

Technological innovations are not only theoretical; they are being implemented in cities around the world to improve the daily lives of citizens.

Intelligent transportation

Smart transportation uses real-time data to improve efficiency and reduce congestion. Cities such as Singapore and Barcelona are at the forefront of intelligent transportation solutions, including advanced traffic management systems and optimized public transportation.

Efficient resource management

Efficient resource management optimizes the use of water, energy and other essential resources. Cities such as Copenhagen have implemented smart energy grids that automatically adjust electricity supply according to demand, thereby reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Optimized public services

Smart cities optimize the delivery of public services such as garbage collection, street lighting, and security. For example, smart street lighting uses motion sensors to turn lights on and off as needed, saving energy and reducing costs.

Smart Cities implementation challenges

Despite its many benefits, smart city implementation faces several challenges.

Privacy and security

Massive data collection raises concerns about the privacy and security of citizens. It is crucial to establish policies and technologies that protect personal information and ensure that data is used ethically and securely.

Infrastructure and costs

Developing a smart city requires a robust infrastructure and significant investment. This includes installing sensors, communication networks and data management systems, as well as ensuring that these investments are sustainable over the long term.

The future of smart cities is promising. 

As technology continues to advance, smart cities will become even more efficient, sustainable and livable. Technological innovations will continue to transform how we live, work and travel in urban areas.

Continuous Innovation

New technologies such as 5G and robotics will advance the ability of cities to manage resources and services, creating new opportunities for sustainable urban development.

Citizen Participation

The future of smart cities also depends on the active participation of citizens. Technologies can empower citizens, giving them a stronger voice in urban decision-making and improving government transparency.


Smart cities represent the future of urban living, using technology and innovation to create more efficient, sustainable and livable environments. As cities around the world adopt these technologies, we will see a significant transformation in the way they operate and serve their inhabitants. 

While there are challenges, the potential for smart cities to improve quality of life and promote sustainability is immense. The future of smart cities is bright, and their impact will be profound and lasting.

ENEB appears on the big screens in Times Square

July 11, 2024 – In an impressive display of technology and innovation, we have taken over the iconic Times Square in New York to promote our new master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI). This event not only marks a milestone for us, but also highlights the growing importance of AI in the educational and professional arena.

The promotion, which has captured the attention of thousands of netizens, focuses on the presentation of its innovative master’s program and its outstanding “DREAM TEAM” of AI experts who will lead the course. The digital screen in the plaza showed the great significance of ENEB’s mission to integrate cutting-edge technology into its educational offerings, preparing students to lead in an AI-driven future.

The master’s degree that has been promoted addresses critical areas of Artificial Intelligence. The appearance in the iconic New York City plaza further reinforces ENEB’s commitment to educational excellence and its desire to attract students internationally.

The Dream Team that has appeared on the big screen is a team that is made up of leading practitioners and academics with a wealth of experience in the field of AI. Not only did he highlight this, but he emphasized the unique opportunity it represents for those interested in leading the next technological revolution. So, with its master’s degree in AI, ENEB is prepared to equip its students with the skills and knowledge necessary to face the challenges of the future and take advantage of the opportunities that artificial intelligence offers.

The impact of artificial intelligence on digital marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world of digital marketing, transforming the way companies interact with their customers and optimize their strategies. This article explores how AI is redefining the digital marketing landscape and what companies can expect in the future.

Personalization and customer experience.

AI has taken personalization to a new level, enabling businesses to deliver unique experiences to each customer.

Predictive analytics of consumer behavior.

AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to predict consumer behavior with unprecedented accuracy. This enables businesses to anticipate their customers’ needs and deliver highly personalized product recommendations.

Chatbots and intelligent virtual assistants

AI-powered chatbots are enhancing the customer experience by providing instant and personalized 24/7 assistance. These virtual assistants can handle complex queries, solve problems and even make sales.

Optimizing advertising campaigns

AI is transforming the way digital advertising campaigns are planned, executed and optimized.

Advanced programmatic advertising

AI enables more sophisticated programmatic advertising, optimizing ad buying and placement in real time. This results in greater ad spend efficiency and improved return on investment (ROI).

Dynamic targeting and segmentation

AI enables much more granular segmentation and dynamic targeting in real time, maximizing the relevance and effectiveness of marketing messages. 

Automation and data analysis

AI is automating many marketing tasks and transforming the way companies analyze data and make decisions.

Marketing task automation

AI systems can optimize email marketing campaigns, manage social networks and perform other repetitive tasks, allowing professionals to focus on high-level strategies.

Advanced analytics and decision making

AI algorithms can process and analyze huge amounts of data, providing valuable insights and aiding in strategic marketing decision making.

Challenges and future of digital marketing with AI

Despite its benefits, the implementation of AI in digital marketing also raises challenges and ethical concerns.

Privacy and ethics

Companies must balance personalization with respect for user privacy and address the need for transparency in algorithmic decision making.

The future of AI-driven marketing

AI combined with emerging technologies such as AR and VR could create immersive and highly personalized marketing experiences, revolutionizing how consumers interact with brands.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence is redefining the digital marketing landscape, offering new opportunities for personalization, efficiency and effectiveness. As companies embrace these innovations, they must also address ethical and privacy challenges. The future of digital marketing will not only be smarter and more efficient, but it will also need to be more transparent and user-centric. The companies that strike this balance will be the ones that thrive in the age of AI-driven marketing.

This is the AI tool to help you find a job

Receiving technological support in the workplace can make the difference between getting a job or going unnoticed. In a world where efficiency and productivity are key, Microsoft 365 Copilot stands as a revolutionary artificial intelligence (AI)-based tool that promises to transform the way we work.

What is Microsoft 365 Copilot?

Microsoft 365 Copilot is based on OpenAI’s powerful GPT-4 language model and is designed to increase efficiency and creativity in your daily work. This tool presents itself as a floating window within your Microsoft 365 documents, allowing you to generate textual content, formulas and presentations quickly and effectively.

Benefits of Microsoft 365 Copilot for job search:

In the specific context of job search, Microsoft 365 Copilot offers significant advantages that can make all the difference. From automated resume writing to the preparation of detailed reports and professional presentations, this tool empowers your ability to stand out in today’s job market.

  • Streamline routine tasks: With Copilot integrated into Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, you can write resumes, create detailed reports and prepare professional presentations faster and more effectively.
  • Improved productivity: Automate tasks such as managing emails in Outlook and organizing meetings in Teams, allowing you to focus on more strategic and creative activities.
  • Personalized assistance: Copilot helps you perform complex data analysis in Excel, identify trends and correlations, which is essential for roles that require advanced analytical skills.

How does it work inside?

Microsoft 365 Copilot works by integrating OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model with standard Microsoft 365 applications. It uses business and contextual data to provide real-time assistance as you work on documents, spreadsheets, presentations and emails. 

Using artificial intelligence, Copilot can understand and respond to natural language commands, automatically generating text, analyzing data and suggesting improvements to the structure and content of your documents.

How to get started with Microsoft 365 Copilot:

Accessing and getting started with Microsoft 365 Copilot is simple. Integration with familiar Microsoft 365 applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams allows you to take advantage of their functionality directly from the environment you already know. This accessibility facilitates adoption and maximizes the tool’s impact on your productivity and work efficiency.

In conclusion, Microsoft 365 Copilot represents a significant advance in the application of artificial intelligence to improve the work experience. From optimizing routine tasks to supporting complex data analysis, this tool not only simplifies your day-to-day life, but also empowers your ability to achieve new career goals with greater efficiency and accuracy. Leverage the capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot to transform your job search process and stand out in a competitive and dynamic job market.

Jobs of the future. What will be the booming sectors in 2030?

As we move toward the year 2030, technology and global trends are radically transforming the labor market. New sectors are emerging and others are evolving to adapt to the needs of the future.

In this article, the sectors that will be booming and the jobs that will be most in demand in the next decade.

Technology and software development

Technology will continue to be one of the most dynamic and growing sectors in 2030. Demand for technology professionals shows no signs of slowing down, with a particular emphasis on areas such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and software development.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionizing multiple industries. AI experts are expected to be in high demand to develop systems that can learn and adapt, improving efficiency and creating new business opportunities.


With cyber threats on the rise, cybersecurity has become a critical priority for organizations. Cybersecurity specialists will be essential to protect companies’ data and systems against attacks and security breaches.

Software and application development

Software development will continue to be a vital field, with a growing need for developers who can create innovative applications and technology solutions for a wide range of industries.

Healthcare and Biotechnology

The healthcare and biotechnology sector will experience significant growth, driven by technological advances and an aging global population. Innovations in this field will improve quality of life and extend longevity.

Telemedicine and digital health

Telemedicine and digital health solutions are becoming an integral part of modern healthcare. Professionals in this field will develop and manage platforms that enable patients to receive medical care remotely.

Biotechnology research and development

Biotechnology is at the forefront of medical research and the development of new treatments. Biotechnology scientists and technicians will work in areas such as gene therapy, regenerative medicine and innovative vaccines.

Renewable energy and sustainability

The transition to sustainable energy sources and the need to combat climate change are driving a boom in the renewable energy sector. This sector is not only creating new jobs, but also transforming the global energy infrastructure.

Solar and wind energy

Solar and wind energy are key pillars of the energy transition. Engineers, technicians and maintenance specialists will be required to design, install and operate renewable energy plants.

Circular economy and waste management

The circular economy focuses on reducing waste and promoting the reuse of resources. Professionals in this field will develop innovative solutions to manage waste and recycle materials efficiently.

Online education and training

Online education and training are changing the way we learn and acquire new skills. Demand for educational platforms and online courses will continue to grow, opening up new opportunities for educators and content developers.

Educational platform development

Educational platform developers will create systems that facilitate online learning, integrating technologies such as virtual and augmented reality to enhance the educational experience.

Instructors and content creators

Online instructors and content creators will be essential to design and deliver courses that respond to the changing needs of the labor market, providing training in technical and soft skills.

In conclusion, the labor market of the future will be marked by innovation and adaptation to new technological and social realities. Sectors such as technology, healthcare, renewable energy and online education will be booming, offering numerous opportunities for those who are prepared to adapt and evolve. Keeping up to date with these trends and acquiring the necessary skills will be crucial to succeed in the competitive working world of 2030.

5 project management tools

In today’s world, project management is crucial to the success of any company. With the increasing complexity of tasks and globally distributed teams, having the right tools has become indispensable.

Here are five essential project management tools that can improve your team’s efficiency and productivity.


Trello is a dashboard-based project management tool that makes it easy to organize and prioritize tasks. Its intuitive interface and ability to integrate different applications make it a popular choice among teams of all sizes.

Trello Features

Trello allows you to create boards for different projects, where you can add lists and cards for tasks. Each card can contain descriptions, deadlines, tags and comments, making it easy to track and collaborate as a team. In addition, Trello integrates with tools such as Slack, Google Drive and Jira, extending its functionality.


Asana is a powerful project management tool that helps teams coordinate and manage their work. From small tasks to large initiatives, Asana provides a central space to plan, organize and monitor work progress.

Benefits of using Asana

Asana allows users to create projects and subdivide them into smaller tasks, assigning each to different team members. Its progress tracking system and ability to generate detailed reports help maintain control over every aspect of the project. In addition, its interface is highly customizable and easy to use.

Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is one of the most complete and advanced project management tools, especially suitable for large and complex projects. It offers a wide range of functionalities that help to plan, execute and close projects successfully.

Microsoft Project Features

Its outstanding features include task scheduling, resource allocation, budget management and reporting. Microsoft Project also allows the creation of Gantt charts, making it easy to visualize the project timeline and track progress.

Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects is a cloud-based project management tool that offers a wide range of functionalities to efficiently plan, coordinate and monitor projects. With its user-friendly interface and built-in capabilities, Zoho Projects has become a popular choice among businesses of different sizes and industries.

Key Features of Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects provides a comprehensive platform for project management, allowing teams to manage tasks, milestones, documents and timelines. Its key features include:

Task management.

Allows you to create, assign and track tasks in a detailed way. Tasks can be subdivided into subtasks, making it easy to break down complex projects into manageable parts.

Gantt charts

Provides interactive Gantt charts that allow you to visualize project scheduling and progress, easily identifying dependencies and adjusting plans in real time.

Real-time collaboration

Includes collaboration tools such as forums, chats and the ability to share documents, fostering communication and coordination among team members.

Time tracking

The time tracking feature helps track the time spent on each task and project, facilitating resource management and invoicing.

Reports and dashboards: Generates customized reports and dashboards that provide an overview of project status, helping managers make informed decisions based on accurate data.


Basecamp is a project management and collaboration tool that focuses on simplifying teamwork. Its intuitive design and communication-oriented features make it ideal for teams looking to improve coordination and transparency in their projects.

Basecamp highlights

Basecamp offers a unified platform where teams can manage tasks, share files, coordinate calendars and communicate through messages and chats. Its focus on simplicity and ease of use

3 tips when it comes to collecting your first salary

Receiving your first paycheck is an exciting milestone in your working life. After so much effort and dedication, you are finally getting a tangible reward for your work. However, it’s important to manage this money responsibly to lay the foundation for a solid financial future. Here are three key tips for making the most of your first paycheck.

1.Establish a budget

    One of the most important steps in managing your first paycheck is to establish a budget. A budget will allow you to have clear control over your income and expenses, thus avoiding unnecessary expenses and debt. Follow these steps to create an effective budget:

    Identify your fixed and variable expenses.

    Before spending your first paycheck, it is crucial that you identify your fixed and variable expenses. Fixed expenses are those that are constant each month, such as rent, utilities and loan payments. On the other hand, variable expenses are those that fluctuate, such as food, transportation and entertainment.

    Create a realistic spending plan

    Once you have identified your expenses, you can create a realistic spending plan. Allocate a portion of your paycheck to fixed expenses and another to variable expenses. Be sure to leave a margin for savings and unexpected emergencies.

    2.Prioritize savings

      While it may be tempting to spend your entire first paycheck on things you want, it’s crucial to prioritize saving from the beginning. Saving will allow you to build a solid foundation for your financial future and prepare for unforeseen or major expenses. Follow these steps to prioritize saving:

      Set clear savings goals.

      Having clear savings goals will help you stay focused and motivated. They can be short-term goals, such as saving for a vacation or a new electronic device, or long-term goals, such as saving for a home purchase or retirement.

      Consider opening a separate savings account

      Opening a savings account separate from your checking account can be an effective strategy to avoid spending money set aside for savings. You can set up automatic transfers from your checking account to the savings account to make the process easier and more consistent.

      3.Educate yourself on personal finance

        In addition to setting a budget and prioritizing savings, it is critical that you educate yourself on personal finance. Understanding basic financial concepts will allow you to make informed decisions and develop healthy money habits early on. Follow these steps to improve your financial literacy:

        Learn about basic financial concepts

        Understanding basic financial concepts, such as compound interest, credit and investing, will help you make informed decisions about your money. There are many online resources and books that can guide you through this learning process.

        Consider seeking professional advice

        If you feel overwhelmed or have questions about how to manage your finances, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. A certified financial advisor can help you set realistic goals and develop a solid plan to achieve them.

        In conclusion, receiving your first paycheck is an exciting accomplishment, but it also comes with responsibilities. By following these tips, you can lay the foundation for a solid financial future and make the most of this new chapter in your working life.

        How does online education redirect careers?

        Online education has experienced a significant boom in recent years, becoming a powerful tool for those looking to improve their skills and advance their careers. 

        In this article, you’ll discover how online education is transforming the employment landscape and allowing people to redirect their career paths to new horizons.

        Flexibility and accessibility

        One of the most prominent features of online education is its flexibility. Internet-based training programs allow students to access course content at any time and from anywhere, giving them the freedom to tailor their studies to their existing schedules and commitments. 

        This flexibility is especially beneficial for those who work full-time, have family responsibilities or other obligations that limit their availability to attend face-to-face classes.

        Eliminates geographic barriers

        In addition, online education eliminates geographic barriers and allows students to access a wide range of educational programs regardless of their location. This means that people from anywhere in the world can access the same quality of education as those living in areas with limited access to traditional educational institutions.

        Variety of educational options

        Online education offers a variety of educational options to suit the needs and goals of each individual. From short, specialized courses to full degree programs, students can choose the format that best suits their interests and career goals. 

        This wide range of options allows students to explore new areas of knowledge, acquire industry-specific skills or even completely change careers without having to compromise their current employment.

        Access to a diversity of subjects

        In addition, online education provides access to a diversity of subjects that are often not available at traditional educational institutions. This allows students to explore emerging fields and acquire skills relevant to the industries of the future, such as artificial intelligence, data science or cybersecurity.

        Constant updating of skills

        In a constantly evolving work environment, the ability to keep up with the latest trends and technologies is essential for long-term career success. Online education offers an effective solution to this need, as it allows professionals to access regularly updated courses and resources.

        Whether through continuing education programs, professional certifications or specialized courses, online education provides professionals with the opportunity to update their skills and knowledge quickly and efficiently. This allows them to stay competitive in the job market and advance their careers without having to interrupt their professional or personal lives.

        Eases the transition between industries

        One of the greatest benefits of online education is its ability to ease the transition between industries. For those who wish to change careers or explore new career opportunities, online education provides an accessible and convenient avenue to acquire the skills needed in a new field of work.

        Online training programs are often designed to be flexible and adaptable to students’ needs, making it easy to combine study with full-time work or other responsibilities. In addition, online education allows students to access a global network of professionals and experts in their field of interest, which can be invaluable for networking and finding employment opportunities in a new or emerging industry.

        In summary, online education has transformed the way people access knowledge and develop their skills. With its flexibility, accessibility and ability to keep up with the latest trends, online training is redirecting careers to new horizons. Whether you’re looking to improve your skills in your current field, explore new opportunities or change careers altogether, online education offers an accessible and efficient way to achieve your career goals.

        Bare Minimum Monday

        The concept of Bare Minimum Monday has gained popularity recently, offering a novel perspective on time management and work productivity. In this article, we will explain in detail what this approach entails and how it can benefit both individuals and organizations.

        What is Bare Minimum Monday?

        Bare Minimum Monday emerges as a strategy to combat work burnout by promoting a less stressful start to the week.

        The idea is to dedicate Monday to performing only essential tasks, allowing employees to recover from the weekend and prepare for a productive week without the pressure of a full-throttle start.

        Mental health benefits

        This practice not only aims to reduce stress, but also to improve workers’ mental health. By focusing on the essentials, it creates space for planning and organization without immediately overloading the schedule.

        How to Implement Bare Minimum Monday

        You must take into account the following points to know how to implement the Bare Minimum Monday in the best possible way. So you will have to focus on:

        Identification of essential tasks.

        The first step is to identify which critical tasks really need immediate attention on Monday. This involves careful workload assessment and prioritization of activities.

        Promoting a supportive culture

        For Bare Minimum Monday to be effective, it is crucial to foster an organizational culture that values employee well-being. This means promoting an environment where personal boundaries are respected and the importance of a healthy work-life balance is understood.

        Impact on productivity

        Increased focus and efficiency

        Far from decreasing productivity, this approach can increase it. By starting the week in a calmer manner, employees are more prepared to tackle complex tasks with renewed focus.

        Improved job satisfaction

        Implementing Bare Minimum Monday can lead to increased employee satisfaction and engagement. This approach demonstrates an organization’s recognition of the value of employee well-being, which in turn can reduce turnover and foster a more positive work environment.

        Thus, Bare Minimum Monday represents an innovative time management strategy that, by focusing on employee wellness, promises not only to improve workers’ mental health but also to boost productivity and job satisfaction.

        In an increasingly demanding world of work, practices like this can make all the difference in building a healthy and motivating work environment.

        The ENEB EXPERIENCE WORLD CONGRESS: Everything you need to know about the event!

        The ENEB EXPERIENCE WORLD CONGRESS is not just another event on the ENEB calendar, but a celebration of a decade-long commitment to developing tomorrow’s leaders.

        Over the past ten years, ENEB has made a difference in the lives of its students, changing the way they learn and shaping their future professionals.

        With a clear mission from day one, ENEB has been dedicated to providing a transformative education, one that not only teaches skills, but also inspires and empowers for success. Now, a decade later, the ENEB EXPERIENCE WORLD CONGRESS is living testimony to how this vision has come to fruition, with ENEB students achieving goals that once seemed unattainable.

        Want to know more about the ENEB Experience World Congress, read on!

        What is the ENEB Experience World Congress?

        The ENEB Experience World Congress is a gathering that brings together the entire ENEB community with top business leaders, visionary entrepreneurs and professionals from diverse industries in one place and time. It is a unique experience where innovation, inspiring content and entrepreneurship merge to create an unparalleled environment of learning and growth.

        In addition, our talented graduates will be given well-deserved recognition during the event. During the graduation ceremony, the new leaders will be the protagonists, sharing their successes and celebrating the beginning of a new stage in their professional lives. Students, professors, special guests, team members and many more will gather in the same space to toast the ENEB community.

        What is the objective of the ENEB Experience World Congress?

        The central objective of the ENEB Experience World Congress is to build an inclusive and dynamic space where people from all over the world can transform their professional careers through knowledge and collaboration in business.

        All this, in a framework of celebration and commemoration of the ten years that the European Business School of Barcelona has been training the leaders of tomorrow, and the more than 50,000 students around the world.

        How do I get my ticket?

        The tickets are released in batches. In total there are five lots, each of them available at a different price, what does this mean, because as time goes by, the prices of these will go up, and so on until the deadline for ticket sales is June 30, 2024.

        One of the advantages is that if you are a student of ENEB you will have received an e-mail with the information so that you will not have any problem when buying your ticket, if by any chance you are reading this article and you are not a student, register to be able to come to the event and be part of our community.

        See the detailed agenda of the event

        From inspirational talks to hands-on workshops, our agenda is designed to inspire and empower all attendees for entrepreneurial success. Here is the detailed schedule of all the activities that will take place at the event:

        11:00 – 12:00: Registration and Welcome Coffee.

        Start the day with a guest registration and welcome coffee, followed by an introduction to the event and what participants can expect from the event.

        12:00 – 12:45: Welcome talk with ENEB’s CEO

        Institutional welcome and inspirational talk by Santiago Navarro-Rubio, CEO of ENEB.

        12:45 – 13:00: Introduction to the Employability Fair and Networking Hall

        Brief explanation by the Speaker about the opportunities available at the Employability Fair and how to make the most of the Networking Room.

        13:00 – 13:50: Business Leaders Panel – Session 1: “Mismatch between companies and employees in the world of work”.

        Roundtable discussion on challenges and successes in job search and hiring, with an introduction of the most relevant topics.

        14:00 – 14:45: Thematic networking during the lunch break.

        Opportunity for participants to enjoy lunch while connecting with other professionals in an informal and thematic setting.

        14:45 – 15:30: Workshop I – Role playing:Problem Solving with Emotional Intelligence, Coaching, HR (in Spanish)

        Role playing exercises to solve business problems using emotional intelligence, coaching and human resources.

        15:45 – 16:30: Workshop II – How brands speak (in Spanish)

        Practical workshop on brand communication strategies, presented by experts.

        16:45 – 17:30: Workshop III – Applied Artificial Intelligence in Business (in English)

        Workshop in English on the application of artificial intelligence in business, with practical exercises.

        17:30 – 18:00: Coffee break

        18:00 – 18:50: Business Leaders Panel – Session 2: “AI applied to the enterprise and how it has transformed everything”.

        Roundtable discussion on the impact of AI on business, with a presentation of the main themes.

        19:00 – 19:45: Motivational talk: What Really Matters

        Motivational talk to reflect on lessons learned during the event and close on an inspirational note.

        20:00 – 20:45: Graduation ceremony and awarding of diplomas

        Graduation ceremony with presentation of diplomas, celebrating the achievements of the participants.

        21:00 – 21:30: Closing Cocktail Reception and Networking

        Relaxation and networking space to exchange contacts and continue enjoying the Employability Fair.

        Reasons Not to Miss the ENEB Experience World Congress

        While there are countless reasons to be part of this meeting that brings together the best of the business world, here are some reasons that make the ENEB Experience World Congress an event not to be missed:

        Real-Time Business Transformation

        In a world where digital transformation is key, this congress immerses you in the forefront of change. Connect with leaders who are defining the future of digital business and discover how to apply these trends to your own business journey.

        Strategic Networking

        The power of networking is not to be underestimated. At ENEB Experience World Congress, you’ll not only learn from the best, but you’ll also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and build relationships that will propel your career forward.

        Diversity of Perspectives and Content

        From inspirational talks to hands-on workshops, this event offers a variety of spaces and topics designed to inspire you and enhance your entrepreneurial skills. Whether you’re looking for innovative ideas or practical advice, you’ll find what you need here.

        Celebration of success and special Graduation

        In addition to all the knowledge and connections you’ll gain, the ENEB Experience World Congress is also a celebration of entrepreneurial achievement. Join us as we recognize and applaud the success of our graduates, drawing inspiration from their stories as you prepare to write your own.