10 Things HR managers hate

Human Resources (HR) managers play a crucial role in managing talent within organizations. Their job involves not only recruiting and retaining staff, but also ensuring the well-being and development of employees. However, as in any position, there are certain aspects and behaviors that can hinder their work and, in some cases, generate frustration.

Below, ENEB will provide you with ten things that HR professionals often detect, in order to better understand how to optimize the relationship between employees, candidates and these guardians of human capital.

Lack of effective communication

Among these manifestations, constant interruptions emerge as one of the most detrimental, as they not only disrupt concentration, but also reflect a lack of respect for each other’s time and work space. In the following, we will explain how this type of interruptions and disinterest in feedback negatively impacts the day-to-day work of HR and EHR managers.

Constant interruptions

In a work environment, communication is key. HR managers value the ability to maintain smooth and respectful communication. Constant interruptions, whether in the form of calls, non-urgent emails or unexpected visits, can be a major source of frustration, making it difficult to concentrate and work efficiently. 

Disinterest in feedback

Feedback is a valuable tool for personal and professional growth. When employees or candidates show disinterest in the feedback or constructive criticism provided, it can be especially frustrating for HR managers looking to promote development and continuous improvement.

Problems with the recruiting process

Within the spectrum of challenges faced by HR managers, the recruiting process ranks high, given its complexity and critical importance to organizational success. This process is particularly affected by two common problems that can undermine its effectiveness: poorly prepared candidates and exaggerated resumes.

Under-prepared candidates

Preparation is critical to any selection process. HR managers hate to encounter candidates who have not taken the time to research the company or the position for which they are applying, showing a lack of interest or commitment.

Exaggeration in resumes

Honesty in the information provided is crucial. Exaggerated or misleading resumes not only hinder the selection process, but also call into question the integrity of the candidate, something HR professionals deeply value.

Lack of commitment and professionalism

Lack of commitment and professionalism represents one of the biggest challenges for HR managers, as it directly affects the culture and performance of the organization. These problems manifest themselves in various ways, but two of the most damaging are:

Unexcused absences

Commitment and responsibility are highly valued qualities. Repeated unexcused absences not only affect the work dynamics, but also increase the burden on the rest of the team, creating a negative work environment.

Resistance to change

The business world is constantly evolving, and adaptability is essential. Employees who resist change and are unwilling to learn or adapt to new methodologies can lead to stagnation in organizational growth and development. 

Talent management challenges

Lack of initiative

HR managers appreciate employees who show initiative and proactivity. Lack of interest in taking on new responsibilities or looking for ways to contribute positively to the team can be discouraging.

Unresolved interpersonal conflicts

Conflict is natural in any work environment, but the inability to resolve it constructively can create a toxic environment. HR professionals seek to promote a work environment where mutual respect and collaboration prevail.

Administrative issues

Noncompliance with policies and procedures

Policies and procedures are in place for a reason. Failure to comply with these rules not only creates more work for the HR department, but can also have legal consequences for the organization.

Improper handling of confidential information

Confidentiality is fundamental in HR. Improper handling of confidential information, whether through carelessness or negligence, can create serious privacy and trust issues within the organization.

Understanding these frustrations can help employees and candidates improve their relationship with HR managers, thus contributing to a more harmonious and productive work environment.